Tuesday, 17 March 2009


About Hours of light

Hours of light is related to the importance of sunlight in the healing process. Many times I have associated illness with the darkness, the shadows. Many times I have heard about the convenience of a walk into the sunshine as a way for recovering, not only physical but mental and spiritual.

I had those words inside my head and I needed an image for them.
I was sketching in a veterinary hospital during one week. I was sketching sick and injured animals. Some were healed. Some are recovering, some are dead. Every animal has a name. They are not anonymous, they are unique but at the same time, they are everything.

I would like to say thank you very much to the staff and the vets from the Hospital Clinic Veterinari de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. They were very helpful and kind to me.

"Hores de llum" est relacionat amb la importancia de la llum del sol en el proces de curacio. Moltes vegades he associat malaltia amb foscor, les ombres. Moltes vegades he sentit parlar sobre la conveniencia de que ens prengui el sol com a manera de millorar-nos de la malaltia, no tan sols fisica com mental i espiritual.

Tenia aquestes paraules dintre el cap i necessitava una imatge per a elles. Vaig estar fent esbossos en un hospital veterinari durant una setmana: esbossos d'animals malalts o ferits. Alguns foren curats, altres van millorar, altres van morir.

Cada animal te el seu nom. No son anonims, son unics i al mateix temps, ho son tot.

Voldria expressar el meu agraiment al personal i els veterinaris de l'Hospital Clinic Veterinari de la UAB. Van ser molt amables i vaig rebre un gran ajut de la seva part.